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News & stories

Realignment in Germany towards B2B customers

When the target suddenly turns through 180-degrees, flexibility and the right mindset are key. How the retail team in Germany realigned itself.

Working from anywhere

Twice as much water into the old river Aare in Winznau

Efficiency gain at the Vissoie power station

After the performance increase at the Mottec power station, Kraftwerke Gougra AG is now planning on refurbishing the Vissoie power station in Val…

Every drop counts

Predicting the water inflow into reservoirs is essential for electricity producers. Two projects are currently underway to improve the forecasting of…

Alpiq set up a challenge aimed at the well-being of its employees

Around 300 Alpiq employees participated in the Alpiq Employee Challenge which took place from September to December 2021. The main aim of the…

Gondosolar: Project for the construction of Switzerland's largest photovoltaic installation

Plans are being drawn up to build Switzerland's largest photovoltaic installation above the Valais village of Gondo. Thanks to its optimal location at…

Using radar data to enhance the accuracy of water inflow forecasts

The more precisely hydropower plant operators can forecast future water inflows, the more efficiently the plants can generate electricity. This key…

Increased controllable power production in winter

Additional flexible, controllable power production in winter is required to strengthen the security of supply in Switzerland. The participants of a…

New steam turbine for Novel

A steam turbine is currently being replaced at the Novel gas-fired combined cycle power plant. With increased efficiency, the power plant will ensure…